Friday, 26 September 2008

Positive Speech - a joy to be around!

Hey guys,

I was just chatting to Switch from the Approach (Sebastian Drake's excellent company). We were discussing the Real Man Conference, Amsterdam. Some cool stuff insights came up so I thought I'd share some of my further thoughts on the event with you (for full review of the conference, please see previous post)...

I really loved a lot of the speakers, but others made less of an impression (in terms of content). A number of speakers went for a reactionary, high-controversy approach - speaking out against certain methods or pickup stereotypes (real and imagined). A couple of guys' entire talks were basically anti-x method/mindset.

The guys that really hit home, and whom I mentioned in my previous post, were the speakers that came with their own message - a positive, forward-moving message that did not rely on sensationalism to make an impact with the audience. That is not to say that they didn't criticise and draw contrasts with other methods and ideas - they did. But they did not rely on this to provide the 'bang' of their talk. The 'bang' was in their actual ideas - the form and substance of the lifestyles that they taught.

Perhaps this is a reflection of the personal character of the speakers....What kind of man are you? Some people motivate by guilt-trip, whip at the horse and shout...others inspire, elevate and encourage. Some criticise, bitch and gossip...others praise, bring laughter and positive emotions. What kind of man would you like to be?


There is a quote from the Buddha that says: 'Hatred is never ended by hatred but by love.' The conference in Amsterdam, and this quote, remind me of the times in my life when I've consciously tried to clean up my speech - reducing gossip and criticism and instead striving for giving, encouraging speech habits.

Positive Speech - be a joy to be around!

One of the best ways to replace negative speech habits is to install positive ones. In other words, rather than 'stopping speaking so negatively', I found better success with 'starting speaking positively'.

For example, if I tell you...'DON'T THINK OF A PINK ELEPHANT!''re gonna think of a pink elephant right? Because that's the focus of the sentence. But if I say...'THINK OF A FLYING HIPPOPOTAMUS!'...what are you thinking of now? I bet the image of the pink elephant went right out of your head right? It was replaced by something else.

So instead of focusing on 'not talking negatively', try focusing on 'talking positively' and see how much better it works for you. By making an effort to speak well of people and contribute encouragement and value to my conversations, there is naturally less room for the negative stuff. And when you start enjoying the positive feelings that accompany postive speech habits, not to mention the great reactions you, it's actually a chore to go back!


Try it guys, I bet the changes you see will be really inspiring :)



Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Real Man Conference 08, Amsterdam

Hey guys,

I just got back from speaking with LondonSoul at the Real Man Conference in, what a fantastic time! The speakers were awesome, but the real treat was meeting so many passionate conference attendees and touching base with the speakers again. I personally met men from Holland, Moscow, London, Australia, USA, Canada, Germany, France and loads of other places whose dedication to being great people was so inspiring to :)

In particular the talks given by Zan, Johnny Soporno, LondonSoul, Sebastian Drake (hero), AFCAdam and Sasha were personally very impactful. The whole conference was filmed to a very high quality, so let's hope the DVD's become available soon - guys, it's well worth checking these out if you get a chance, I know I will be!


On the first night, I went out to meet London Soul at the Escape Nightclub in central Amsterdam. But...the Vodafone Netherlands network proved too much for my phone and it died just before I got to the venue. I headed on in and had a wander round, looking for Soul...couldn't find him (we had arranged that I would call him and we'd meet outside, but with no battery, this wasn't going to happen).

I had a choice...leave or stay. I was definatly staying! That led me to another choice...chode around waiting for Soul or get down to partying and meeting people. Obviously I chose the latter! ;) Solo sarge!

Now usually, when I go into a club by myself, I immediately get into set...but I'd done some wandering around, couldn't find my friend and was feeling a little out of sorts. I headed to the bathroom to wash my face and just reset my mood a little, resolving to approach the first group I saw as soon as I got out.

I got chatting to a guy as we were both leaving the bathroom, very quickly found what Sebastian Drake calls a click topic (something we both have in common and are passionate about) and got into conversation with him and his friend. The two girls they were with came and joined us. After a while chatting and holding court, the first girl was giving massive kino IOI's and exclaiming 'I'm so glad you joined us!' etc... We had a great time, they were really fun interesting people, were buying me drinks and generally being cool - hurray!


When I walk into a club by myself, it can feel veeery intimidating. Maybe you guys have experienced that feeling - everyone seems to be in their groups, parting and having fun. They just seem to belong there and you feel like you stick out like a sore thumb.

And if you walk around looking for your friends and can't find them, it can feel even worse - really awkward and out of place! This is fine - I accept that I'm feeling like this, go wash my face in the bathroom and just re-enter the club - and i do this...

If you want an easy way to get some social proof together and get into a talkative state - approach some easy sets and just be fun and friendly. Approach the first set you see when you enter the club - chat to guys, chat to the fun girl groups (hen parties etc...), chat to mixed sets - don't worry about building attraction and running all that 'game' you've got in your head, just be fun and friendly, chat about normal stuff (what are you doing in x-city, what do you do, how do you guys know each other, tell some funny stories etc...).

Build social proof with the group and then approach from that base, merging new sets back into this. When you've got some good vibes happening with the first group, go meet another one and repeat. Then merge the two sets, introducing set 2 to set 1, 'You guys are fun, come meet my friends'. You're starting to get a party happening're being a connector, leading, building social proof.

From here you can approach further sets or choose a girl from the mini-party you've just created and do your thing there. This is an awesome way to create a fun party vibe and establish your value in the club, especially when you're sarging solo.


So, back to the story - we bounced from the club to the Red Light District. Stopped by their apartment on the way to drop off the second girl, who was feeling ill etc... Then wandered into the Red Light District. Was walking arm in arm with my girl and we let the guys walk ahead. Built some sexual tension (I love sexual tension - I love just letting it cook and get hotter and hotter, it's such a great escalation tool. I should really write about my personal ideas about this soon!). I locked in against a wall, pulled her in, kissed. We made out for a while - there were no logistics for the lay (my hostel room was shared with 4 dutch guys and her one-room holiday flat had a sick girl in it, not to mention the two guys!). We went and found the guys and wandered some more. We exchanged numbers and are now in contact via...facebook (oh yeh, lol!).

So yeh, a fun night with fun people and some cool lessons there in solo sarging and social proofing.

On the last night, Johnny gave us all a tour of the Red Light District...Soporno style! Amsterdam is a beautiful city. Yes, cycle lanes look like pavements, the cars drive on the wrong side of the road and the toilet attendants in nightclubs practically mug you for 50cents but...the food is wonderful, the canals are beautiful, the night life is funfun and the girls are gorgeous! Guys, go, you'll love it :)



Sunday, 7 September 2008

Rockstar Finale!

Final Post - Keychain

Hey guys! So it's finally over...Project Rockstar 2008 has come to an end. And what an adventure it has been, from that first interview with Mr.M, Vercetti and the life I’m living today. I wake up every morning, excited about life and the possibilities ahead. Project Rockstar has taken off the blinkers that I was wearing…now I’m beginning to understand the huge potential in a life.

I can say without a shadow of a doubt that Rockstar has been the watershed experience of my social life.

I wanted in on Rockstar for the Social Circle Mastery principles…I had dreams of these ideas transforming the way I network and do business. It has. But little did I know what I can now walk into a room of high value people and actually forge alliances, build connections and create positive relationships where previously I’d be relying on ‘just being friendly’ to get by.

My game has skyrocketed. We were trained 6 days a week for eight weeks by the top dating coaches in the world. That’s hours and hours of real INFIELD work. Not only were we regularly working one-on-one and in groups with London’s best, but we had regular guest talks and visits from some of the biggest names in the international seduction community. For eight weeks, we LIVED in-field.


Thanks so much to 5.0 (Tuesday), Daxx (Wednesday), Vercetti (Thursday), London Hunk (Friday), Sasha, LondonSoul and Dr.Yen (Saturday and daygame whenever possible!) and Mr.M (who worked 9 days a week to keep this show on the road!).

5.0 – such insightful and compassionate advice at every stage. 5.0 was always there for us to gently steer us through each stage of Rockstar…from those heady days of working on the basics of opening to teaching us instruction and set-critique…a true friend and a big brother figure.

Daxx –! Just hanging around this guy is so great, he oozes natural.

Vercetti – some words…leadership, dominance, masculinity, achieving life-goals, deep breathing, centredness, power, overwhelming positivity, leaves no man behind, hero to many.

London Hunk – The physical transformation his workout regime has begun in me will carry on for the rest of my life…his talks on living generously and helping others had me literally bursting with energy and desire to get out there and GIVE. A tidal wave of inspiration.

Sasha – The funniest guy in the seduction community bar none. Beyond that, one of the few genuine innovators in game today – a genius of daygame with a unique and powerful approach to meeting women. One of the great teachers and a huge influence on my game and life. A confidant in the tough times and a mentor to me throughout the programme. True legend.

LondonSoul – This man’s honesty, transparency, deep compassion and congruence have changed the way I live. Spending time with Soul has reprogrammed my attitude towards sex and attraction…no more guilt, no more fear, shame or embarrassment…all that replaced with freedom, light, expression and honesty. Deep inner game.

Dr.Yen – This man’s enthusiasm, joy and ‘go for it!’ attitude have been so inspirational! A warm, considerate man when you get to chatting…and a tornado of sexuality and attraction in-field. This man defines the words: sexual threat (in all the best ways!).

Mr.M – The father of Rockstar. I doubt any of us really knows what this man has achieved with this project, it’s so deep. But I do know that through his blood, sweat and tears Mr.M has changed the lives of six young men in a way that we could never deserve or repay. How can I thank the giver of such a gift? Simple: go on, live, grow, succeed, give back…be a fucking Rockstar!

So many of the special guests have also made a deep impact on me, I can’t hope to name them all (please read through my blog to find reference to all of these great men)… Sebastian Drake, Johnny Soporno, AFCAdam, Harlequin, Sheriff, Skeletor, Virgo…the list goes on.

And so many members of the seduction community in London who ran with us on the journey… you know who you are! Great friends.

And the Rockstars themselves…Blackswan, Paladin, Starlight, Optimistic, Prizefighter…guys, what a journey ey? Every one of you has picked me up when I’ve fallen, helped me out when I’ve been at an impasse and inspired me with your dedication and zeal for improvement. I hope to count you all as dear friends for the rest of my life.

Guys, I have so much I want to do now…I’ve been teaching and have loved meeting and helping all of those that have been working with me. I love this and want to do much much more…I’ve been meeting and dating (and laying!) girls with the kind of beauty, personality and, um, talents that I literally never dreamed possible. Literally guys. I fundamentally did not believe that I had any right to be even talking to the kind of girls that I regularly meet, attract and seduce now…this has been a MAJOR SHIFT in my brain. It amazes me even as I write this, I’m humbled and so so grateful to all the instructors.

Everyone, keep in touch, go visit my personal blog (, and check out for futher info on future programmes. Thank you for following this journey…

See ya in-field ;)
