Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Forming the Approach Habit

Forming the Approach Habit

- Keychain

‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.’ Aristotle

Most of us are awake and moving about the world during the day far more than at night. We shop, we work, we eat and we travel. For those of us who live in or near a populated area like a city, there are lots of opportunities to meet beautiful women in the daytime.

When I first arrived at university, I would go out at night with my friends to meet girls. Perhaps three or four times a week we would hit the club and spend hours approaching groups of women and hitting on them. Later, after finding the community and armed with new knowledge, I would increase this practice and often go alone to bars and clubs to meet new people and exercise my social muscle. I felt nervous at first but after a couple of approaches in an evening this feeling would fade. After that, it was as if my motor was running, I’d have a sense of flow, excitement and social lubrication. After those initial nervous conversations, I felt acclimatised to approaching strangers and could work on other aspects of my game beyond the opening.

Inevitably, the night would end, with all its various ups and downs. I’d go to sleep, wake up in the morning. Lo and behold, the next time I went out to the bar, that fear of approach was once again back to bother me.

Going out for a big session of ‘sarging’, as the community slang refers to it, is great for practicing core aspects of your game but something we are not practicing as intensely is overcoming that initial reluctance to approach, often referred to as ‘approach anxiety’. This is simply because after a couple of interactions, this feeling fades. After that initial warm-up period, we usually find the social motor is running, we’re having fun and opening without too much worry. It doesn’t last. Every time we go out, this feeling tends to crop up to be overcome once again.

It is generally accepted that this is just the way it must be. The oft-prescribed solution is to ‘burn’ through some warm-up sets to get in the right mood. But what if it was possible to greatly minimise that feeling of nervousness over time so that you could generate the momentum to approach at any time to wish without the need to ‘warm up’? What if there was a way to form a habit of approaching beautiful girls?

Picture the scene, you’re shopping for groceries, on public transport or walking down the street and you see a beautiful girl. You don’t have the advantage of the mental run-up from making a conscious decision to ‘go sarging’, you have no wingmen to spur you on, you can’t just burn through two or three sets to get on a roll and then approach the girl. You’re just going about your daily life and ‘bam!’, a hot girl appears! Do you approach? Can you approach?

Forming the Approach Habit.

‘Approach the first hot girl you see every day. It will change your life.’ – Sasha

Begin an interaction with a stranger, preferably a beautiful woman, everyday. This begins to form an approach habit – the daily habit of initiating conversation with someone from cold. Over time, this habit can become so ingrained that it will actually feel strange not to approach a hot girl. The energy that you previously experienced as fear and panic will morph into excitement, playfulness and enjoyment.

This will not only help you greatly minimise approach anxiety, but the daily routine will have you meeting more girls than ever before.

Training Your Eye

Forming the approach habit will also go a long way towards training your eye to become aware of the opportunities already present in your surroundings. If you know you need to approach at least one girl in your lunch break for instance, you get good at noticing the attractive girls all around you.

It is not unusual, a week or so into this, for students to say things along the lines of, ‘I never realised there were so many hot girls around here!’ Sometimes we can work and live in an area for years without realising the opportunities all around us.

Don’t Run the Perfect Set

Don’t worry about running the perfect set in every one of these interactions. At first, don’t even worry about continuing the conversation. If you are short on time, just make your daily interaction a quick one. Remember, we are forming the approach habit. For this purpose, it is more important at first to approach than to close. Don’t let the pressure of ‘what do I say next’ and ‘what if…’ questions dissuade you from taking action.

When you spot that girl, and you get that feeling of ‘I should/could/can/want to approach her’ – go talk to her. If it lasts ten seconds or ten minutes, it doesn’t matter – just approach. Form the approach habit.

Avoid Burnout

‘Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time.’ Mark Twain

It’s much like joining a gym. In the first flush of enthusiasm and novelty, the temptation is to go very frequently and stay for hours, working really hard. But continue down this road and it is very likely you’ll experience burn out. You lose your motivation and weeks go by before you darken the gym door again (if at all!). It is much more sensible (and healthy) to do shorter workouts and ration that drive for the long haul health benefits of regular exercise.

Consider this point when embarking on your mission to form the approach habit. One a day for a month is far better than ten in two days, burning out and flaking for the rest of the month.

Find Your Window

Look at your lifestyle, find the window of time where you can make your daily approach and stick to it. For me, I had a long commute, so I would use the train journey and approach at least one girl on the way into London and one on the way out of London. For you’re your lunch break might be and ideal time. Whatever it is, find your window.

Scale It Up
It can feel more challenging to approach during the day without a wing to encourage you.

If you’re alone and feeling nervous, just take off some pressure. Scale the opener you use – if you’re petrified, you don’t have to start direct and ballsy, start more situational and low-key. For example, a functional opener such as, ‘Hey excuse me, do you know if there’s a Starbucks around here?’ is much easier to muster the courage to deliver than ‘I saw you from across the street and I just had to come say hi…because I think you’re gorgeous!’ If you gradually scale up your material, just as you would add weight to your bench press routine, you will be able to deliver the latter opener with ease and enthusiasm.


If you’re going to form this habit, be ready. Always leave the house dressed well, whatever that means for your lifestyle. Throw out your bad clothes so you won’t be tempted to wear them – don’t let the fact that you’re dressed badly be an excuse to not approach. Dressing well has a positive impact on your interactions with everyone in your life.


Your daily approaches should be done solo for maximum growth, but it can help to have a wing or accountability buddy who will check in with you every day to make sure you’ve done your approach. This added motivation can give you the kickstart you need to start forming the habit.

Does this mean no more sarging? No!

‘Sarging’ is great for getting your game tight – perhaps your attraction phase needs tweaking or your comfort game lacks connection. Go out, hit the clubs and bars, do a ton of sets. The trick is to combine this with daily approaching to build and sustain the approach habit and you’ll go a long way towards achieving your relationship goals.

I often think of the ability to approach as a muscle. For every approach you make, you grow that muscle. For every approach you back out of, you weaken it.

Make those approaches, build your courage. The results may very well astound you.

Good luck!


On High Value First Impressions

Hey guys,

Here's an article that LSi readers may well recognise. It appeared in its own edition, sent out just before the Winter 2008 SuperConference. It covers some of my experiences learning Social Circle Mastery (guys, take this seminar!) from Mr.M during Project Rockstar...as well as some really awesome practical tips. Here it is shared here for your enjoyment


On High Value First Impressions

- Keychain

'Drop everything. Come learn from the best and BE the best.'

When I got the call from Mr. M announcing that I was 'in' and destined to become a member of Project Rockstar... I was ecstatic. I couldn't believe that I was chosen. I was excited about all of the amazing things we were going to learn, all the amazing instructors we would meet, and all the beautiful women we'd be trained to attract! And so I dropped everything, disappeared off the radar for two months and took my first step into a new world...

During gruelling theory sessions, lasting up to eight hours in length, Mr. M schooled us in the closely guarded principles of Social Circle Mastery, a system that teaches men how to build a large, high-value social circle filled with beautiful women. It's about complete social mastery - social dynamics as applied to both men and women... and how to ascend to the very top of the social ladder. At the highest levels, it's like having Jedi powers.

Mr. M spoke a lot about how powerful social dynamics were when applied to situations outside of seduction. He stated that once you have mastered the realm of seducing hot women, you begin to realize that what you have learned has far greater and more important implications for success in the rest of your life.

For example, one of the key lessons of Social Circle Mastery is the power of the 'first impression' and more importantly, how to properly deliver one when trying to build rapport with a high value individual (this could be a celebrity, a millionaire, or generally a person with high social status in any given situation). When two high value individuals first meet, there typically is a subtle exchange of verbal and non-verbal cues that allow each party to recognise the other's social status. Malcolm Gladwell calls this 'thin slicing' in the award winning book 'Blink,' which Mr. M recommended to us. These go unnoticed by the vast majority of people, but to those with a high degree of social intelligence, 'the 10s of life,' these cues are as clear as day.
So how do you meet a high value person and develop the kind of mutual respect that is the foundation for a healthy long term friendship?

In this article I'll share some insights into this very topic, as taught to us in those closed-door sessions by Mr. M (note that the technology was devised by both Mr. M and Braddock - Braddock is the other half of the mad genius pair that came up with Social Circle Mastery).

Establish Respect

The first thing to do in an interaction is to establish a solid platform of mutual respect. In this phase, it is crucial to avoid a negative 'thin slice.'

Upon making first impressions, there are usually two big mistakes that people make.
1. Trying to demonstrate higher value immediately - or 'trying too hard.'

Don't show all of your value up front. If you immediately start trying to impress the other person by talking about all the cool things in your life, you're playing a risky game. It is this kind of rapport seeking, try-hard behavior that distinguishes the 'not quite there' crowd to the top 10%. Consider this. The up-and-coming bank investor can't wait to tell you about all the money he is responsible for and all the money he makes. But the owner of the bank, if he mentions what he does for a living at all, is just 'in finance' when asked what he does. He doesn't feel the need to parade his goods for all to see.

2. Don't defer to the other person's value.

Most people make too much of a big deal out of recognising the 'main value proposition' of the other person. The main value proposition is exactly that - the single most valuable aspect about the person. So, for example, for Justin Timberlake, it would be his music or fame. For a millionaire, it would be his business.

The key, as taught to us by Mr. M, is to recognise their 'major value proposition' on a 'throw and go' basis. So for example, to a music celebrity, simply saying, 'Hey man, I like your music' is sufficient. People typically meet celebrities and 'emotionally overreach' (a topic covered in Mr. M and Braddock's new Inner Game Seminar). For example, they get hugely emotional and gush about how much they love that actor's movies, or how they listen to this music star's album every day. This tactic may well get a smile, a handshake or even a couple of seconds of appreciative dialogue with that person, but it is very unlikely to result in mutual respect or much, if any, desire for further contact. The key to building MUTUAL respect is then to qualify and relate to that person on topics outside of their main value proposition... and to find ways in which you can add value.

To round off, let me share a fantastic quick tip that you can put to work immediately. If a person is of significantly higher value than you, while it is crucially important to respect them, it is also important to neutralize their value by not putting too much emphasis on it. In fact, according to Mr. M and Braddock, you can take the concept of neutralizing another person's value a step further. The concept of neutralizing a person's value is similar in some ways to teasing a woman you just met. When you approach a beautiful woman in a coffee shop or in a bar, you shouldn't focus your conversation on her physical beauty. [If you are doing this, stop reading now, go to the Magic Bullets page, and download the free chapters. You need to be familiar with it so you can access the advanced stuff we're all moving into.] To do so would focus on her value so much that she'd feel like you put her on a pedestal and that you were not of equal or higher value (unless you were using a properly executed direct approach).

With high value people - men or women - focus away from the main source of value. This will help you build rapport. If you subtly encourage people to qualify themselves to you on other topics, you tacitly increase your own value in their eyes. This is because people generally don't encourage others to qualify themselves... unless you are a high-value person yourself! By getting a person to qualify to you, even subtly, it equalizes value on a certain level.

The application of advanced qualification to social situations as expounded in Social Circle Mastery is obviously far more complex than what I have covered above - this is just one basic implication. And to sum up, here's the big take-away point to remember:

The next time you meet a high-value individual, whether it's in the club or in the boardroom, focus on making an effective first impression with these elements. To internalize these behaviors takes practice and a degree of inner game confidence but it's worth it. To be able to communicate on the same level with that top 10% and develop a relationship with them to build your amazing social circle is a skill that trickles down to every area of your life -not just to meeting and attracting beautiful women (although it applies very much to this as well)!



Saturday, 22 November 2008

Massage Esclation

Hey guys,

At a recent London bootcamp, I explained to a student a particular massage routine that I use to escalate an interaction, particularly in the bedroom. He wanted it for his library so asked me to write him an article on it. I, of course, obliged and here it is for you guys! :)

Massage Escalation

- Keychain

Have you ever taken a girl home, you thought sex was on the cards…but she ends up sleeping in your bed, with you in it, but without any sexual activity taking place at all? That’s right, both of you in bed, but no sex happening?

This used to happen to me all the time. I’d open, attract, qualify, run great comfort…run a good solid interaction. We’d day2 and it would go great. The girl would end up in my room and it was so on! But…what to do now? I’d feel awkward, unsure of what to do next, in the dark about how to escalate to sex. And, sure enough, we’d both wind up in bed. Together. Half naked. Sleeping. BUT NO SEX!


Here are some key pointers to help solve this sticky sticking point and put you both on track to having a much more enjoyable evening:

Kino early – this breaks down the touch barrier and gets both of you used to touching each other. If you aren’t touching each other throughout your interaction, it’s extremely unlikely you’ll end up sleeping together. There’s lots of great advice on kino in the community, it’s a key part of the LoveSystems dating science.

#(A word from my experience: a lot of guys remember to kino during the initial approach but forget to re-initiate the touch on the day2 – don’t make this mistake! Assuming you’ve built attraction and run good game, good kino and a healthy dose of physical leading are all you really need to escalate to sex.)#

Close the distance - you need some way to get at least within kissing range to start getting down to the practical act of sex.

Let’s focus on the second point: closing the distance. A great way to close the distance and begin escalating towards sex is massage.

Often I’ll seed this during the date itself, setting a qualifying frame around her ability to give good massages. It then feels perfectly natural to call back to this an initiate massage later. Here’s a typical way I run this:

‘Are you good at massage? Not bad I actually learned massage as a kid. I takes a lot of body awareness to be good at massage, you have to be really in touch with your own body before you can really ‘get’ how your touch is affecting someone else, you know?’

And then take your hand away, lean back and say, ‘Cool, you’re pretty good.’ Or put a big smile on your face and playfully exclaim, ‘No, no, no…that’s terrible! Here, let me show you…’ take her hand and begin to massage it.

The astute among you will recognise elements of:

• Teasing
• Qualification
• DHV’ing your own body awareness (trust me, the connections here with great sex are not lost on girls)
• Building comfort through touch
• Push pull as you release the massage (particularly applicable in a date/cold approach scenario)

You can run this routine in the club or in the bedroom. In the club, it’s a handy piece that works well in qualification and comfort. In the bedroom, it’s perfect for closing the distance. From the hand, you can move to massaging the neck, shoulders and upper back (or actually start there, ‘Here, rub my shoulders.’ I often have a girl sit down at my computer to search for a funny clip on Youtube, stand behind her and casually start rubbing her shoulders as an ‘in’ to the routine).

You can have the girl lie down, tell her to remove her top to let you massage her better. Give her a really nice massage, throw some oil on there, some nice music. After a while, she’ll be making lovely ‘mmm’ noises and you’ll feel that escalation window open up for you. Pause the massage, start kissing her neck and back, escalating from there on in. In my experience, this process is so natural that LMR rarely makes an appearance.


A caveat, if you use this routine in the bedroom, we’ll assume that the girl is attracted to you. After all, you’ve just been on a date, or you’ve met at a bar and you’ve both ended up at your house. It’s on etc…I obviously wouldn’t recommend using this on a girl who isn’t into you. It might still work but that’s hardly the point! ;-)

So, next time you have a girl in your room and you know it’s time to take things in a sexual direction, try out this little number and have fun…



Keychain Joins LoveSystems

Hey guys,

Keychain here. :) So you guys know I got back from LA a couple of weeks ago where I was helping out at the LoveSystems SuperConference, hanging with my buddies Sasha and Yen and generally causing mischief (including partying at Style's place with Neil, Mystery, Matador, original-Sin etc...) There are a bunch of FR's online about our antics out there...gonna throw some up on here eventually. Well, Savoy and I have been emailing back and forth since then, trying to find a time for a phonecall. Last night our diaries finally clicked and we had the call...

Savoy has officially offered me the LoveSystems instructor gig...

Truth be told, I feel very honoured by the invitation. The London LoveSystems team are great friends, rolemodels and awesome guys. Meeting the excellent international instructors in LA sealed the deal for me.

Cool ey?! Well chuffed :)


Sunday, 5 October 2008

Keys on Fashion

Hey guys, how’s your fashion? I’ve met a lot of guys who have questions and struggles when it comes down to getting a good look together. It’s something I definitely had to work on myself.

We all know that fashion isn’t everything, but I’m sure we can all agree that having a good look certainly helps when meeting women. It’s a bit like taking the bricks out of your suitcase.


In light of this, I thought I’d share some of my thoughts on fashion for you guys…

I have found that when learning pick-up, it is useful to learn how to create your own style of interaction - to get the best long-term results, I found it most helpful to try various things and, through a process of constant learning and experimentation, find the particular combination that works best.

For instance, I model my voice tone and vocal delivery on Mystery, but there are strong elements of Sasha, LondonSoul and Zan in there too...the result? My own way of talking that is unique and works for me. How did I get there? I copied Mystery loads until I truly understood what it was about his delivery that worked so well...and then I added in a bunch of other influences (much of which happened just by hanging around guys with great vocal delivery) and the result was my own thing.


So it is in fashion. Mimick someone with great fashion, yes. Copy him, yes. Then begin to understand why it is his particular fashion works - elements that make that look so successful. Then innovate with that and come up with your own thing.

This is how many lots of people learn skills – be it game or tennis. We find role models. It's common sense. Here’s a great way to apply this approach to fashion that I personally found really helpful:

First, create a folder on your computer desktop called: Fashion.

Second, jump onto google. Google some celebrities that you think have a great look - if you're not sure, go for pretty much anyone really on the A-list. Check out their style - I looked specifically at movie stars, musicians, television personalities etc... Search their names and click on the IMAGES option in google, so you can see lots of pictures of those people. Look through and save to your Fashion folder any photos of those people where you think they look cool, have good fashion, a great look etc... whatever it may be. Go by what you like and you'll have a portfolio of people with a variety of great looks to choose from.


Third, choose an image with a look that you think you could replicate, something you could identify with and think is really cool. Maybe it's a shot of Brad Pitt on a talk show or of some rockstar from a VH1's 'Behind the Music' episode. Then, go out with that picture and start shopping for that outfit - you can get loads of great items for really knock-down prices. You don't have to shop for the exact items in the picture, just use the image as a template and work around it. Ask sales assistants for advice, show them the look you're after.


Some extra tips on fashion

• Start small. Don't buy too much at once. Getting your fashion together is a learning curve and even with a template you will occasionally buy something that, when you get it home, you realise was such a bad idea! That's okay, it's part of your education, you can usually return it to the store anyway.

• Try on at least two items that are definitely not you - two very 'fashionable' items that you could never see yourself wearing. Often, when I have done this, I have found stuff that really works and that I'd have never considered had I strictly been shopping for 'my thing'.

• Have a look around you. Chances are you know some guys with a great fashion sense. Have a look at them and think, what is it about their look that works? Get specific. Notice the combination of top, jeans, shoes and accessories - anything around the neck, wrists? What are the colours? Copy them.

I hope some of these ideas have grabbed you or inspired you to take a fresh look at fashion. These ideas are great starting points to get your eye trained to notice a good look when you see it. When you get used to noticing good fashion, you’ll start to see it all around you and have lots of reference points for your own look.

Happy shopping guys!


: Commenters, let’s list some of the stores you shop at for clothing, especially if there are great bargains there!

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

#Loading.......Life Upgrade#

Hey guys,

I'm literally just about to head out the door but I wanted to put down some thoughts for you guys...

I've been really lucky lately to work with a lot of really cool guys, doing a bunch of 1-1's and consultations. I've been consistently impressed with (most) of the guys' attitudes - so willing to try new things, open to new ideas and passionate about throwing themselves into tough situations so they can really grow. And grow they have, it's been inspiring.

Many of these guys are using Game, and the process of learning it, as a vehicle to improve their whole lives. These guys are eating better, dressing well, holding their heads up high and communicating with clarity and strength - these are fantastic life skills! How did they learn them? Through game.

Increased confidence? From game. Clearer, brighter and more engaging communication style? From game. Sense of self worth and value? From game. A love, respect and empathy for others? From game.

The PROCESS of learning game and getting good at interacting with women has made these men better people overall. Now, not everyone in this community gets there, and that's okay...but let's you, dear reader, and I, dear author, be the kind of men who do reap the life benefits of learning to improve our interactions with women.

It seems that some people who learn 'game' for any length of time and have success seem to 'graduate', if you will, into improving other areas of their lives too. The amazing process of change and improvement that they witness in their interactions with women inspires them to revamp their health, finances and businesses with the same gusto and passion...and the results follow. 'If I've improved this much with girls...imagine what I could do with my finances/health/fashion!'

I want to encourage you guys to start upgrading every area of your life (it's YOUR life after all, rock it!).


Start small. Stack little improvements one on top of another - eat a little better, start stretching every day, learn to cook a new kind of meal, tidy your room(!), get a copy of RichDadPoorDad and start reading, join a salsa class, go buy a nice jacket for the winter, get a trendy scarf, get out there and do some of that daygame you've been meaning to try, learn an instrument...


Start taking little action steps to improve the quality of your life and you will start to see changes. Maybe not instantly, but give it some time and you'll see your life gradually improving...and these kinds of slow, steady actions steps last. Build habits. Build in little upgrades to your life.

Do it guys. This is the kind of stuff that makes you the kind of man a great woman will become attracted to and, importantly, STAY attracted to...instead of 'doing' attraction, embark on the journey to 'become' attractive.

Oh, and don't think this means no more game...oh no, this is really where the game starts to get interesting ;)


Get out there and meet girls, do your thing, live it up...and start building your life into the truly awesome adventure that it can be. Make it happen.



Friday, 26 September 2008

Positive Speech - a joy to be around!

Hey guys,

I was just chatting to Switch from the Approach (Sebastian Drake's excellent company). We were discussing the Real Man Conference, Amsterdam. Some cool stuff insights came up so I thought I'd share some of my further thoughts on the event with you (for full review of the conference, please see previous post)...

I really loved a lot of the speakers, but others made less of an impression (in terms of content). A number of speakers went for a reactionary, high-controversy approach - speaking out against certain methods or pickup stereotypes (real and imagined). A couple of guys' entire talks were basically anti-x method/mindset.

The guys that really hit home, and whom I mentioned in my previous post, were the speakers that came with their own message - a positive, forward-moving message that did not rely on sensationalism to make an impact with the audience. That is not to say that they didn't criticise and draw contrasts with other methods and ideas - they did. But they did not rely on this to provide the 'bang' of their talk. The 'bang' was in their actual ideas - the form and substance of the lifestyles that they taught.

Perhaps this is a reflection of the personal character of the speakers....What kind of man are you? Some people motivate by guilt-trip, whip at the horse and shout...others inspire, elevate and encourage. Some criticise, bitch and gossip...others praise, bring laughter and positive emotions. What kind of man would you like to be?


There is a quote from the Buddha that says: 'Hatred is never ended by hatred but by love.' The conference in Amsterdam, and this quote, remind me of the times in my life when I've consciously tried to clean up my speech - reducing gossip and criticism and instead striving for giving, encouraging speech habits.

Positive Speech - be a joy to be around!

One of the best ways to replace negative speech habits is to install positive ones. In other words, rather than 'stopping speaking so negatively', I found better success with 'starting speaking positively'.

For example, if I tell you...'DON'T THINK OF A PINK ELEPHANT!'...you're gonna think of a pink elephant right? Because that's the focus of the sentence. But if I say...'THINK OF A FLYING HIPPOPOTAMUS!'...what are you thinking of now? I bet the image of the pink elephant went right out of your head right? It was replaced by something else.

So instead of focusing on 'not talking negatively', try focusing on 'talking positively' and see how much better it works for you. By making an effort to speak well of people and contribute encouragement and value to my conversations, there is naturally less room for the negative stuff. And when you start enjoying the positive feelings that accompany postive speech habits, not to mention the great reactions you get...wow, it's actually a chore to go back!


Try it guys, I bet the changes you see will be really inspiring :)



Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Real Man Conference 08, Amsterdam

Hey guys,

I just got back from speaking with LondonSoul at the Real Man Conference in Amsterdam...wow, what a fantastic time! The speakers were awesome, but the real treat was meeting so many passionate conference attendees and touching base with the speakers again. I personally met men from Holland, Moscow, London, Australia, USA, Canada, Germany, France and loads of other places whose dedication to being great people was so inspiring to me...wow :)

In particular the talks given by Zan, Johnny Soporno, LondonSoul, Sebastian Drake (hero), AFCAdam and Sasha were personally very impactful. The whole conference was filmed to a very high quality, so let's hope the DVD's become available soon - guys, it's well worth checking these out if you get a chance, I know I will be!


On the first night, I went out to meet London Soul at the Escape Nightclub in central Amsterdam. But...the Vodafone Netherlands network proved too much for my phone and it died just before I got to the venue. I headed on in and had a wander round, looking for Soul...couldn't find him (we had arranged that I would call him and we'd meet outside, but with no battery, this wasn't going to happen).

I had a choice...leave or stay. I was definatly staying! That led me to another choice...chode around waiting for Soul or get down to partying and meeting people. Obviously I chose the latter! ;) Solo sarge!

Now usually, when I go into a club by myself, I immediately get into set...but I'd done some wandering around, couldn't find my friend and was feeling a little out of sorts. I headed to the bathroom to wash my face and just reset my mood a little, resolving to approach the first group I saw as soon as I got out.

I got chatting to a guy as we were both leaving the bathroom, very quickly found what Sebastian Drake calls a click topic (something we both have in common and are passionate about) and got into conversation with him and his friend. The two girls they were with came and joined us. After a while chatting and holding court, the first girl was giving massive kino IOI's and exclaiming 'I'm so glad you joined us!' etc... We had a great time, they were really fun interesting people, were buying me drinks and generally being cool - hurray!


When I walk into a club by myself, it can feel veeery intimidating. Maybe you guys have experienced that feeling - everyone seems to be in their groups, parting and having fun. They just seem to belong there and you feel like you stick out like a sore thumb.

And if you walk around looking for your friends and can't find them, it can feel even worse - really awkward and out of place! This is fine - I accept that I'm feeling like this, go wash my face in the bathroom and just re-enter the club - and i do this...

If you want an easy way to get some social proof together and get into a talkative state - approach some easy sets and just be fun and friendly. Approach the first set you see when you enter the club - chat to guys, chat to the fun girl groups (hen parties etc...), chat to mixed sets - don't worry about building attraction and running all that 'game' you've got in your head, just be fun and friendly, chat about normal stuff (what are you doing in x-city, what do you do, how do you guys know each other, tell some funny stories etc...).

Build social proof with the group and then approach from that base, merging new sets back into this. When you've got some good vibes happening with the first group, go meet another one and repeat. Then merge the two sets, introducing set 2 to set 1, 'You guys are fun, come meet my friends'. You're starting to get a party happening now...you're being a connector, leading, building social proof.

From here you can approach further sets or choose a girl from the mini-party you've just created and do your thing there. This is an awesome way to create a fun party vibe and establish your value in the club, especially when you're sarging solo.


So, back to the story - we bounced from the club to the Red Light District. Stopped by their apartment on the way to drop off the second girl, who was feeling ill etc... Then wandered into the Red Light District. Was walking arm in arm with my girl and we let the guys walk ahead. Built some sexual tension (I love sexual tension - I love just letting it cook and get hotter and hotter, it's such a great escalation tool. I should really write about my personal ideas about this soon!). I locked in against a wall, pulled her in, kissed. We made out for a while - there were no logistics for the lay (my hostel room was shared with 4 dutch guys and her one-room holiday flat had a sick girl in it, not to mention the two guys!). We went and found the guys and wandered some more. We exchanged numbers and are now in contact via...facebook (oh yeh, lol!).

So yeh, a fun night with fun people and some cool lessons there in solo sarging and social proofing.

On the last night, Johnny gave us all a tour of the Red Light District...Soporno style! Amsterdam is a beautiful city. Yes, cycle lanes look like pavements, the cars drive on the wrong side of the road and the toilet attendants in nightclubs practically mug you for 50cents but...the food is wonderful, the canals are beautiful, the night life is funfun and the girls are gorgeous! Guys, go, you'll love it :)



Sunday, 7 September 2008

Rockstar Finale!

Final Post - Keychain

Hey guys! So it's finally over...Project Rockstar 2008 has come to an end. And what an adventure it has been, from that first interview with Mr.M, Vercetti and Sheriff...to the life I’m living today. I wake up every morning, excited about life and the possibilities ahead. Project Rockstar has taken off the blinkers that I was wearing…now I’m beginning to understand the huge potential in a life.

I can say without a shadow of a doubt that Rockstar has been the watershed experience of my social life.

I wanted in on Rockstar for the Social Circle Mastery principles…I had dreams of these ideas transforming the way I network and do business. It has. But little did I know what I can now walk into a room of high value people and actually forge alliances, build connections and create positive relationships where previously I’d be relying on ‘just being friendly’ to get by.

My game has skyrocketed. We were trained 6 days a week for eight weeks by the top dating coaches in the world. That’s hours and hours of real INFIELD work. Not only were we regularly working one-on-one and in groups with London’s best, but we had regular guest talks and visits from some of the biggest names in the international seduction community. For eight weeks, we LIVED in-field.


Thanks so much to 5.0 (Tuesday), Daxx (Wednesday), Vercetti (Thursday), London Hunk (Friday), Sasha, LondonSoul and Dr.Yen (Saturday and daygame whenever possible!) and Mr.M (who worked 9 days a week to keep this show on the road!).

5.0 – such insightful and compassionate advice at every stage. 5.0 was always there for us to gently steer us through each stage of Rockstar…from those heady days of working on the basics of opening to teaching us instruction and set-critique…a true friend and a big brother figure.

Daxx – very.fucking.cool.guy! Just hanging around this guy is so great, he oozes natural.

Vercetti – some words…leadership, dominance, masculinity, achieving life-goals, deep breathing, centredness, power, overwhelming positivity, leaves no man behind, hero to many.

London Hunk – The physical transformation his workout regime has begun in me will carry on for the rest of my life…his talks on living generously and helping others had me literally bursting with energy and desire to get out there and GIVE. A tidal wave of inspiration.

Sasha – The funniest guy in the seduction community bar none. Beyond that, one of the few genuine innovators in game today – a genius of daygame with a unique and powerful approach to meeting women. One of the great teachers and a huge influence on my game and life. A confidant in the tough times and a mentor to me throughout the programme. True legend.

LondonSoul – This man’s honesty, transparency, deep compassion and congruence have changed the way I live. Spending time with Soul has reprogrammed my attitude towards sex and attraction…no more guilt, no more fear, shame or embarrassment…all that replaced with freedom, light, expression and honesty. Deep inner game.

Dr.Yen – This man’s enthusiasm, joy and ‘go for it!’ attitude have been so inspirational! A warm, considerate man when you get to chatting…and a tornado of sexuality and attraction in-field. This man defines the words: sexual threat (in all the best ways!).

Mr.M – The father of Rockstar. I doubt any of us really knows what this man has achieved with this project, it’s so deep. But I do know that through his blood, sweat and tears Mr.M has changed the lives of six young men in a way that we could never deserve or repay. How can I thank the giver of such a gift? Simple: go on, live, grow, succeed, give back…be a fucking Rockstar!

So many of the special guests have also made a deep impact on me, I can’t hope to name them all (please read through my blog to find reference to all of these great men)… Sebastian Drake, Johnny Soporno, AFCAdam, Harlequin, Sheriff, Skeletor, Virgo…the list goes on.

And so many members of the seduction community in London who ran with us on the journey… you know who you are! Great friends.

And the Rockstars themselves…Blackswan, Paladin, Starlight, Optimistic, Prizefighter…guys, what a journey ey? Every one of you has picked me up when I’ve fallen, helped me out when I’ve been at an impasse and inspired me with your dedication and zeal for improvement. I hope to count you all as dear friends for the rest of my life.

Guys, I have so much I want to do now…I’ve been teaching and have loved meeting and helping all of those that have been working with me. I love this and want to do much much more…I’ve been meeting and dating (and laying!) girls with the kind of beauty, personality and, um, talents that I literally never dreamed possible. Literally guys. I fundamentally did not believe that I had any right to be even talking to the kind of girls that I regularly meet, attract and seduce now…this has been a MAJOR SHIFT in my brain. It amazes me even as I write this, I’m humbled and so so grateful to all the instructors.

Everyone, keep in touch, go visit my personal blog (http://keychainblogs.blogspot.com), and check out www.rockstarstory.com for futher info on future programmes. Thank you for following this journey…

See ya in-field ;)


Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Keys gives Back

Hey guys, Keychain here.

Basically, I'm opening up some time for some free one-on-ones for guys in London. Game/life-related issues covered. I'd love to give something back to you guys who have been following Rockstar for all these weeks :) To all of you, it's a big THANK YOU! :)

My time is VERY limited, and I'm not sure how long I'll be running these for as circumstances are RAPIDLY changing but I am opening up some limited slots for a few guys.


The conditions are as follows:

Are you passionate about improving your life?
Are you open to hearing and trying new ideas?

In return, I'll give a portion of of my time and undivided, respectful attention to you and do my best to give help and value in any way I can. We can sit and chat over coffee, go in-field or get sushi-to-go...it's up to you.

We can work on whatever you like - opening, daygame, sexual escalation, comfort, general conversation skills, networking, confidence, seduction stage material, life goals and time management/personal motivation...whatever you like. Please PM me with what you'd like to work on, why, your availability and we'll be in touch.



PS: Please note that I'll only be meeting guys I think I can help - if you have a sticking point that is better tackled by one of the other Rockstars, one of the professional dating coaches in London or by some sort of reading/audio material, I'll refer you to those with the greatest blessing.

PPS:I know Blackswan and Starlight are also meeting up for one-on-ones at the moment, and I highly recommend them - they're truly awesome guys and very skilled. We have been fortunate to have met/been trained by the best professional coaches guys in the city so if you'd like their help but you're not sure who to go to, I'd be happy to give specific recommmendations.


Hey guys, so it's the last week of Rockstar...

Last night we had our evening with 5.0 and Vercetti and a special guest happened to drop by...Johnny Soporno! He met up with the crew and hung out all evening with us in Leicester Square, watching the crowds go by and sharing his philosophies on winning the game of life.

Before we get to that, the Rockstars congregated in central and chilled. Blackswan gave me some great advice about all sorts of life and business stuff. I respect his opinion and intellect a great deal, as readers of my previous posts will know, so it was great to have him turn that stuff in my direction once again. One of the special things about his advice is that it comes free of personal agenda (except the personal agenda to help). This is a rare thing.

Based on Blackswan's advice, I'm going to be doing some free one-on-ones in London to help others. Please check my next post for details.

Johnny Soporno. In a word: wow.

This guy has the kind of relaxed, at-ease manner that comes from having massive value, experience and self-validation...I've seen this in a very few people in my life - in fact I could count them on the fingers of one hand. As Johnny started unpacking his ideas, I started to understand what these people have in common.

- They are independents. People who don't draw their validation from leading or following, but who have an internal sense of validation. They make their own decisions, follow their own path and are validated (or not) by the success (or failure) of those actions. To win at the game of life, you must become an independent.

- They recognise that you can live by whatever rules you choose, living whatever configuration of life you want...as long as you are worth enough. As long as you can generate enough value to justify your existence, you can live however you want. This is part of the meaning of the term WORTHY Playboy.

- Men are motivated by approval, women by security. If, as a man, you can free yourself from the need to be approved of, you are on your way to being a true independent. This is one of the real keys and it was demonstrated in everything about Johnny. Watching him interacting with the Rockstars and our questions, with the staff, with passers by etc... was a real lesson in this. There is a centredness there that I homed in on.

- I asked how to free yourself for the need to be approved of without losing connection/care for the people around you. Johnny's answer was to do nice things for those who want your help, and because it makes you feel good about yourself. His motto: I live to enjoy the benefits of my best efforts.

There are crossovers between this and the David Deida stuff I've been listening to lately (great stuff btw) about Third Stage man etc... Living in your purpose, giving your gift. Awesome.


As I've said, I've met three guys in my life with the same vibe as Johnny, and each of them have profoundly influenced me. Time with a guy such as this is hugely valuable to anyone who has the eyes to see, the ears to listen and the openness to learn. To be honest, what he said was great, but the I got the most from the actual experience of just sitting there, across a table from him, enjoying the 'lived out' vibe.

If you get a chance, reader, check this guy out - his site is worthyplayboys.com, and he's got a truckload of free audio stuff there that you can download. Guys, do it, it's great.

So I'm VERY excited about this weekend! Im sharing a room with Prizefighter and all hell will be breaking loose at the big Rockstar finale in Essex! The other guys have already talked a bunch about it so I just want to say...I'm really really looking forward to it :)



Thursday, 21 August 2008

Day 46 - Keychain

Hey guys, hope you're all well :) Here's another Rockstar update from yours truly...

On Tuesday we had our weekly session with 5.0. As usual, it was a good time with lots to learn (always so much more to learn!).

5.0 had us watch as Optimistic and Blackswan ran a two-set in a pub. We analysed body language, energy levels and the general interaction from a distance. 5.0 gave some great advice about how to give good feedback/debriefs (something he learned from Sheriff).


Ask them how it went? What worked, what didn't? (quite often they will answer their own sticking points!)
Stay positive. Give a positive sandwhich: good stuff, correction, good stuff.
Then send them back into set with something clear and specific to work on.

5.0 asked me to debrief Optimistic. I just asked him how he thought the set went and he laid it all out perfectly - lol, he's been in the same classroom as me for 8 weeks so there's very little I could say that he wouldn't already by aware of! Optimistic knew exactly what to improve etc...in his own (already great) game. Self-diagnosis.

We chatted further and 5.0 talked about his ideas on giving value as part of game. The idea is to give value to everyone you meet - girls and guys. Make everyone you meet feel great about themselves. Rather than running sets for 'practice', actually give value to them - aim so that if they saw you again, they'd run up, say hi and want to introduce their friends. It's not just fuck or walk, it's giving value.

It was inspiring stuff, especially given the timeliness of his words. 5.0 spoke of how AFCAdam had profoundly influenced him in the Entourage days. He threw around a couple of magic tricks as well, the sneaky fella ;)

Anyway, the last couple of days have seen me snowed under with work. The Rockstar crew are planning a bit of a weekend away to celebrate the end of the programme. I'm trying to get the cash together as it not only costs to go away, but I also have to reschedule some work (those of you who know what I do will know that I'm usually hired for quite short amounts of time at a very high cost. So to miss one 'job' is to lose a significant amount! Cashflow issues, lol!).

It's all good though :)

I must admit, this week has been quite tough-going. I've still been hitting the gym, eating and sleeping (my sleeping pattern has totally sorted itself out now thanks to London_Hunk's 'sort your life out' programme!). But I've been feeling tired, a little dazed and a bit numb to sarging. Sure, I've been approaching lots - it's habit now - but there's a weird numb state I feel I'm in.

Feels weird. I think Blackswan went through something similar a few weeks ago - mate, let's have a phonecall!


Despite that, still loving life, game and Rockstar - ace times!



Monday, 18 August 2008

Days 41/42

Hey guys! Keys here, just flying in with a double-day update. Things are quiet on the Rockstar front...


I had work commitments on Saturday so was unable to attend Lord Mega's last-minute talk (darn it!). And today (Sunday) we appear to have been given a day off...nice :)

I tell you what, I'm pretty exhausted! Tomorrow (Monday) is our official day off, so I'll be hitting the gym, attending a couple of work appointments and then hopefully chilling. Rockstar is TIRING! Lol, sometimes Keys needs some recharge time so this weekend of downtime has come at a very nice moment. Obviously I'm still working etc...and technically, I'm still doing approaches everyday but these feel very natural and normal now, not at all like work.

Personally, I've undergone some major life changes and had a number of deep beliefs reset. As Rockstar comes to an end (well, we've got two more weeks but you know what I mean!) I'm feeling pretty excited about what's going to happen next. The skills we've learned and the friends we've made are already changing my life dramatically.

I wonder how Project Rockstar will affect the life-trajectories of each of its six members...



Day 41 - Keychain

Hey guys! Today we had a talk from London_Hunk on comfort game. I rocked up at his place only to see Virgo...we always bump into each other when we're out sarging (his recent 40-day daily-sarge challenge coincided with Rockstar so we were out a lot!). Little did I know that he's an NLP expert training for his Master's Practitioner qualification!


I've read a little on NLP in the past and have applied various of its mindsets and techniques to my life. So it was really fantastic to have Virgo give the full picture as well as relate it to Game. He basically condensed the whole 'Introduction to NLP' course into a single talk - amazing. Chatting to him afterwards, I am amazed by his motivation and energy for self-improvement. He works an insane job and has so many crazy projects/interests on the go that my mind boggles how he fits it in! Much respect.

At these Rockstar talks, often I learn just as much in other's individual chats with the speakers after their talk. I can usually be found hanging from the ceiling, Spiderman-style, trying to eavesdrop on these conversations!

Blackswan asked very insightful questions about how to apply NLP to learning and retention of knowledge etc... Awesome tips from Virgo about allowing/trusting that all experience is stored in the subconscious. One of Virgo's areas of expertise is in the whole area of practically applying this principle.

I asked a little about how Speed Seduction fits into NLP (and learned that is based on two main principles: 'an emotion felt from a memory is the same as an emotion felt from a present experience' and anchoring. In other words, Ross conjures up an emotion by leading the subject through a memory - perhaps a fun experience on a rollercoaster. This puts the subject in a positive emotional state, which the SS practitioner can then anchor to himself).

London_Hunk's talk was excellent. The others have summarised the full content very well, but I'd love to go into some of my personal highlights.

1) London_Hunk gave an excellent breakdown of 12 techniques to use in comfort. His ideas on cold reading were especially good!

2) His emphasis on genuinely caring about people. According to London_Hunk, yes you can use techniques to 'game' comfort, but it's a whole other level when you actually begin to care about people. You can ask the 'Interview' questions and have it come off great if you really care and are interested. I've been watching RSD's Foundations course (which is awesome btw) and a lot of this dovetails.

3) The way I see it, London_Hunk's main focus is on non-game issues - he's into building a great lifestyle with health, wealth and relationships all at peak. So when he talks about game, he always comes at it from a 'life application' angle. Yes, he knows all the standard game subject matter and includes it, but he regularly disappears down non-game tangents which end up being very useful indeed.

Great stuff.



Saturday, 16 August 2008

Day 40 - Keychain

Hey guys, I had work commitments today so wasn't able to join the guys sarging. I heard from them that a lot of fun was had and a lot of salsa was danced!

Talk from London_Hunk tomorrow, looking forward to it! I always walk away from these freshly inspired.

Been making a concerted effort to eat a lot more protein. Need to game more muscle to meet my target. I must meet my target. For every week we don't meet our target, London_Hunk lays waste to another densely populated major city...if we don't meet our target this week...here is the consequence:


Be afraid.



Thursday, 14 August 2008

Day 39 - Keychain

Hey guys, today we had physical assessment with London_Hunk and then...a conference call with Adam Lyons (AFCAdam).

Physical assessment went quite well - I lost body fat and gained some muscle. London_Hunk is still pushing for more significant muscle gain, and I'm doing my best to hit that. We chatted about my workout schedule etc... (I'm sticking exactly to his specs in the gym) and came to the conclusion that I need to eat more protein. Lots more. Bring on the chicken breasts...

After the assessment, we had our conference call with Adam Lyons (AFCAdam). Wow. I think he talked for over two hours...it was intense and amazing. It's up there with Sebastian Drake's talk as a life-changing experience - so many pieces of the puzzle clicked into place.

The other guys are so good at summarising this kind of information, but I'll have a go at mentioning some highlights:

1) Game's progression: Game 1.0 (routines etc...), Game 2.0 (natural approach), Game 3.0 (SCM game), Game 4.0 (celebrity game, the game Mystery is currently running, although not teaching).

2) To get to Game 4.0, you must work through the stages...routines evolve to natural game which evolves to SCM game...

3) Game 3.0, ogranising your own event/club based on your skills (ie, an all-girl poker club, Project Entourage, a girl's self defense class). Don't close your own girls, close other girls. People will begin to hear about your event/club...demand increases...you're heading towards 4.0.

4) Hating is the beginning of demand. It means people know about you and they are talking. Don't defend yourself, don't make a big deal, just invite them to be a part of what you do and they will gradually convert.

5) Traits of a natural: confidence, abundance lifestyle, the ability to sexual escalate.

6) Investment is key to attraction.

7) So much on social proof...weight in numbers, capture-recapture ideas...awesome.


One of the things that really impressed me about Adam was his generosity with his time. He constantly encouraged us to ask him questions and was willing to stay on the line for as long as it took to address all of our issues (and he really did stay for ages to help us out!).

He gave me great advice on how to 'game' a high-value clique, and emphasised the need for implementation:

'By the time you guys have finished Project Rockstar, you'll have had more training than anyone else in the world. Now you have to go out and use it.'

So inspiring. But also a challenge. Rockstar is a wonderful lab to learn great lessons and make new friends (many of whom I hope to keep for life)... but my mind is already forming plans of approach and 'people trails' to my career and life goals that I am going to pursue post-Rockstar.

Adam turned us on to his own site, with loads of free articles and information. I'm just checking it out now, you should too - this guy has got some seriously awesome information available here... Attraction Explained.

Guys, I'm gonna sign off - hope you're having an awesome day.



Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Day 38 - Keychain

Hey guys. Last night we were out and about with 5.0. We all hung out and chilled for the evening - 5.0 was in set with loads of guys and one girl...and had her isolated in no time. Killer. Later in the night he gave some great advice to the Rockstars about integrating game as part of a general lifestyle of social behaviour.

I found the night a little slow going - big groups and not many of them. With all the Rockstars and a cadre of guests (it's not unusual for there to be 20+ PUAs running game when we go out), I found the sets dried up pretty soon. Was nice to catch up with the guys and have a laugh.


So, Prizefighter and I went through Leicester Square on the way home for some street game. No joy there, so we just pressed on to the tube.

Having said that, I did a bunch of sets in the bar that worked out great - some direct openers that went really well etc... Nothing spectacular to report tho, just standard game. Looking forward to AFCAdam's talk tomorrow!



Monday, 11 August 2008

Day 37 - Keychain

Hey guys. Today is our day off so I hit the gym (chest and biceps), raided Tescos (kiwi's for 50p!) and caught up on all the paperwork I've had piling up. Nice.

Bring on week six.




Day 36 - Keychain

Today was crazy. I got back from the barren Northlands (!?) just after 11am after a looong journey. Grabbed a quick shower and bounced down to London town for some afternoon tea!

We went to a beautiful members only club as the guests of one of London Soul's students. A captivating guy, he talked about his life as an international entrepeneur and businessman. He went on to give . Mr.M then advised him on aspects of game. I just sat there, drank my tea, and learned, learned, learned. It was crazy being around such a high-value group. All the other Rockstars have business experience and are very savvy in this area - I learned from every single one of them.

I think his is a prime example of someone who has literally EVERYTHING else together, but has a block when it comes to approaching girls (especially on the street). Luckily, working with a guy like Soul is the perfect remedy here. Soul is an expert at teaching daygame....be he can't build you an interesting, full life that girls want to be a part of. Only you can build yourself a truly amazing life. This dude has a great life...with some of Soul's great tuition and some practice, this guy will be absolutely sorted.

Went from here to be there for the closing moments of the bootcamp. 5.0 was talking about deep comfort, cold reading and future projection - I love his style, his routines are some of the most useable stuff I've found. His version of the cube makes it into almost all of my sets.


Sheriff gave a fantastic talk on relationships - really interesting stuff that I'm defo gonna try with my LTR! Dr.Yen gave an intense 20min fashion talk. The Rockstars were lucky enough to have this for two-three hours, so I know he had way more to give...I hope any of the students who were interested have booked one-on-ones with him, he's got waaay more to share!

Sasha gave a hilarious talk on Sasha-style daygame - he had the whole room in stitches as he gave out opener after opener and dropped serious insights. This guy's stuff is the foundation of my daygame, tubegame, traingame, streetgame etc...(with elements of Soul and Yen).

Was great to meet with the students again and hear their crazy experiences from the previous night. Everyone had grown, there were smiles all around and lots of hugs - I know exactly what they're feeling. It's that sense of, 'Fuck, this just completely opened up my world.' It's a strange, almost unsettling feeling when you come face to face with a possible reality that you had never considered. What a terrific bunch of guys.

Afterwards, we all ate together (thanks Sheriff) and the bootcamp parted company. What wild time. I loved it. Absolutely loved it. Sheriff is an ideal rolemodel for bootcamp teaching - he's chilled, laid back and really knows his shit. Plus, with all the heavyweight independent instructors that showed up to help out, this was a seriously high value bootcamp.

Can't wait to read the reviews and hear how the students are getting on! :)



Day 35 - Keychain

Got back at 4am, grabbed some sleep and headed out to work. Was doing an overnighter up North somewhere, so most of the day was spent travelling.


Reeeally wanted to be with the Bootcamp guys - gutted I couldn't be there for day2.

But, from the reports I heard...it was pretty frickin awesome!!!



Day 34 - Keychain

Hey guys, today was very interesting. Hung out at Sheriff's LoveSystems bootcamp in London. This is the first time I've ever attended a bootcamp and it was an honour to be asked to help out with the opening drills and then go in-field with the students and work.

Sheriff's presentation style (covering opening in the seminar) is very thorough and peaceful. His experience leads

Most of all, it was great to meet all the students. Twelve guys who had made a choice to get this area handled - they were all fantastic guys with some of the most teachable attitudes I've seen.

We all headed to On Anon after the seminar. I walked with Sasha and, along the way, chased down a beautiful Indian girl (#-close). When I found Sasha after that, he was in set with two stunning seventeen-year olds...wow, good choice Sasha! I came in to wing and immediately began physically pacing and leading my girl. Very fast sexual escalation on the street that ended in a makeout and #-close. Sasha's face was buried somewhere in his girl's breasts(really)! The whole interation was hugely fun for all four of us...what a wild time. This dude is seriously the Daygame-Deity!


It was a pleasure to work with the students in groups and individually. We went downstairs to demo and Dr.Yen brought a two set over, 'Hey, meet steve!' etc... I took my girl and Yen headed off with his. Again, started pacing and leading - very fast sexual escalation and makeout in five mins or so. A fun demo for the guys - my aim was just to show them what is possible and get some inspiration flowing.

Led my girl away to a corridor and continued making out etc...I get a tap on the shoulder, it's Vercetti. 'Okay, we need you back now.' Lol, demo-time over! Quick number close and then off to actually do some proper work!

The students were all great - approaching and gradually adding in steps: some kino, a high-five, a transition, statements of interest etc... By the end all the guys I spoke to were approaching confidently and delighted with their progress. Awesome!

Was also great to work with the other instructors - I spent quite a bit of time with Dr.Yen (who rocks) and was officially assisting Vercetti(guns!!!). Just hanging around with these guys and teaching with them is such a learning experience.

One of the coolest moments of the night came later. I was with Vercetti and three students and Blackswan arrived on the scene. Vercetti pointed to two girls dancing behind a table in front of some sofas (ie, quite tough to logistically get to!). 'Go demo.'

So Blackswan nods and calmly walks up to them. He opened with a ridiculous calm that just sucked the girls in. Within moments he had them dancing one in front and the other behind, like a PUA sandwich! He looked like the king of the club, the students went nuts and I was just filled with a sense of pride. That's a fucking Rockstar right there!

Afterwards, I got a ride home with Stickler (who also instructed on the bootcamp and, coincidentally, lives in my town!). We're about the same age, with a lot in common so it was great to chat about game, life and the directions our lives might take - a special guy.



Day 33- Keychain

Hey guys! So tonight was the Rockstar Gives Back Bootcamp...what a fun night! As I mentioned before, Starlight has done a great job of selecting the students. Everyone was enthusiastic, eager to learn and brave to try new things.

All of the Rockstars gave a talk on various different topics, with Vercetti keeping a watchful eye and making sure everything ran smoothly.

Starlight kicked off with an overview of some of the mindsets to have when learning pickup. As always, I really enjoy hearing his insights into the game, especially fresh from his wild trip to Stockholm! Excellent introduction and overview from Starlight.

I went on to talk on opening. It was a blast to see students laughing, taking notes and having fun - I covered loads of material with a real focus on practical application. I wanted to the students to have enough theory to have a strong, positive mindset as well as enough technical info to go out and run solid openers. Vercetti contributed key info on transitions.

Optimistic shared on more mindsets - including key inner game rules, great content. A number of students and instructors commented on his charisma and ability to hold the group. Optimistic has a disarming mix of super-solid core confidence and complete friendliness and openess to people. When I talk with him, he's always 'totally present' and engaged. This is powerful and it came across in his talk - we were all totally drawn in.

Prizefighter's talk was inspiring and down-to-earth. He talked on direct game and the importance of being congruent. He had the students laughing and into it - legend.

Paladin gave an impromptu talk on humour in set. He's insanely funny so this talk was a blast. In the beginning days of Rockstar, Paladin and I used to live near one another and we'd travel in on the train. Yes, he's very funny (very funny!) but his real strengths lie in his passion for teaching and giving value. His advice on game and game-mindset in those early days was hugely useful to me personally, and continues to be to this day. Last night, he was on form (and impromptu at that), lucky students!

I love Blackswan's thought process. I know I've mentioned it before, but this guy is very smart and has a remarkable ability to deliver complex concepts in a simple, concise fashion. I took notes. He focused on preparing the students' mindsets for going out - covering warming up and other topics. Then he dived into inner game ideas and brought out some fantastic value.

During the talks I saw my fellow Rockstars in a new light. I was genuinely proud to be associated with these guys. Every one shared mature, balanced advice on life - not from a 'know it all' perspective, but from the perspective of shared experience.


The students went down to while we had a conference call from the guys Pickup Podcast. Wow, they shared some great insight. It was a blast to talk to them!

I had a great time working with students. We hit On Anon and Leicester Square. Working one-on-one with the students, with Sheriff in the wings to give timely advice, was very satisfying. When the workshop was over, we went to eat in Soho, and then went to a club with Sasha (crashed at his place).

Highlights were taking a particular student through AA - from asking the time of passers by to making direct SOI's, teasing and thumbwarring a beautiful girl(all on crutches!)! Lol, awesome.


Wicked time, I hope we can create an opportunity to do this again.



Thursday, 7 August 2008

Day 32 - Keychain

Hey guys, so excited about the Rockstar Gives Back Bootcamp tonight. 6 Rockstars, 6 students and...Sheriff! Starlight has done the selecting, and he's a great reader of people so can't wait to see who he's brought along...

Last night we had a two hour talk with Sheriff about the basics of instructing. Full of funny anecdotes and really deep principles, I was scribbling in my notebook furiously! It's the little one-liners on mindset that he drops that are the really golden. What a cool guy. He's such an experienced and popular instructor, he's even got his own action figure complete with DHV six-shooters, a chamber for every attraction switch:


Game 2.0, baby.



Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Day 31 - Keychain

Today was great - hit the gym hard. It really pumps the endorphins and gets things going. I came out of the gym totally wired and DTF, lol. So I made a call and met with a girl that afternoon for some fun. Aah, abundance ;)


We hung out at 5.0's place for the early part of the evening, chatting and hearing all the gory details of the Stockholm bootcamp. A really crazy time by the sounds of it! 5.0's place is really nice - spacious and clean. A great place to just chill and be relaxed (good cup of tea too!).

5.0 then went on to teach us about storytelling - he gave lots of examples and went really in-depth. Some key takeaways for me:

- A story should have three phases: beginning, middle and end. Without some kind of structure and an awareness of an 'end point', your anecdote can easily fizzle out.
- How to calibrate your story through repeated telling, hitting DHV's, creating an emotional connection and forming waypoints.
- Method acting principles applied to storytelling (awesome).

He graciously answered some of our sticking points - he gave me great advice about takeaways, what to do when you bump into a set that you left (on a high) earlier in the night, how to re-open, how to deal with interrupts to your story etc...

An experienced in-fielder, 5.0 has the ability to quickly identify and solve even the most specific sticking points.

He also gave some great tips on instructing (in prep for our Rockstar bootcamp this week). All great advice. 5.0 time is always super useful and solid, he has consistently given me loads of great advice that I've been able to use immediately in-field. Legend.



Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Day 30 - Keychain

Hey guys. On our day off, went out in Guildford with Paladin and one of his friends. I opened a three set in Spoons, which hooked really well (number close) and generally got us chatty and warmed up for the nightclub to follow. Fun girls, one of them was quite attractive too (phd student...I'm a sucker for smart girls with a sense of humour). I really enjoy opening girls like that - fun, open, intelligent, humourous and loads of personality. We all have fun, it's social and everyones gets into a happy mood. Lol, good for emotional wellbeing :)

The guys went ahead while I finished up with the 3-set and I caught up. I started getting itchy feet. I hate walking into a club to sarge, and then delaying. I'm so used to snapping and going straight into set etc...and getting the fun started. Anyway, soon enough everyone started opening and lots of fun was had.

Paladin was experimenting with a very low-energy form of game based around a sexual frame. I came in to wing him on a two/three set (can't quite remember) and forgot about his low energy experiment. A good wing should usually come in at lower or equal level to the main guy - I came in moderate but it was still too much. I keyed it down and tried to redirect the set (quite well I thought) but alas, it was not to be. It was unintentional of course, such is the peril of the newbie. I'm usually very good at calibrating my energy levels to support my main guy, and I'm so used to winging Paladin in his super-high-energy game that he so rocks at. But I slipped up a little and forgot his experiment, sorry dude!

No big deal, Paladin's game is tight anyway so he just bounced off and opened more girls. There were so many beautiful girls (literally sooo many) that I tried a bunch of different types of game.


I aimed for some good, solid game as per Sebastian's advice. It's not playing it safe, per se, it's more playing it confidently and competently. Very satisfying, good practice, consistent results.

I also ran some really fast kino escalation, juxtaposing super heavy attraction with deep, deep comfort, and then takeaways, and then escalations etc...It really fries circuits. Handjob in a photo-booth type stuff. High variance game like Dr.Yen does - it's so much fun to do! Meeting someone like Dr.Yen and seeing this kind of fast, fast escalation is so educational. And it works, it's teachable.

It's nice to try on different styles and experiment with the results. I used to be a little intimidated by clubs (especially by hot girls in clubs). The guys all looked way cooler and more on it, the girls looked unattainable and mysterious...but now, I can open a four set of really attractive girls and actually hook. Creating a fun vibe, isolating, comfort etc... (lol, not nec in order!) all the pieces are starting to fall together naturally. So, experimentation becomes possible. Once you have basic, strong, consistent template you can start changing bits and pieces to test out effects. Lots of fun :)

So yeh, we had fun. I headed to another bar with some different friends afterwards and mainly chilled. Talked to a bunch of girls by accident and semi-sarged. Mostly enjoying a catch-up with friends. Number closed etc... Actually got opened a few times in both venues, which is always nice. I think it's a combination of social proof of other sets, good subcommunications and a unique look. That's shit anyone can get together, I love how this is so teachable. Lol, it's certainely not my face!!!!

Anyway, this is a fairly boring field report really...just a regular sarge, no major fireworks. Was really nice to integrate some of Sebastian's stuff into my game too - mainly the honest and open sexuality he has, and the idea that you can exude a sexual vibe from knowing you're a good lover. When I was talking with a girl, I truly felt that if we ended up having sex, we'd have a really awesome time together. That's a powerful thought...tapping into my previous sexual experience to bring a sexual confidence and presence to the interaction. Deep stuff...I need to review that talk again and soak in some more.

Soo....that's all for now folks. Hope you're enjoying :)



Monday, 4 August 2008

Day 29 - Keychain

What a great summary by Optimistic of Sebastian Drake's talk! I really can't top that in terms of an excellent breakdown, so let me just relate a few personal 'highlights' as they struck me.

First, Blackswan's book reviews of 'Blink' and 'Influence' were excellent. Blackswan is very intelligent and has a gift for absorbing large chunks of information and presenting it back. He spoke clearly, concisely and with a great presentation style - he has a great method of communicating complex ideas in a simple, understandable way. I learned a lot. Whichever of the mini-Rockstars gets to spend one-on-one time with Blackswan this week will be in excellent hands (I might try to overhear some of his tips and steal them, lol!).

Sebastian's talk was excellent. Some LSS guys joined us. He took questions (mine was about how to tell captivating stories) and gave truly masterful answers. He even managed to answer some very odd questions and transition into excellent stuff...very impressed and honoured to hear him.

Afterwards, I just thanked him. I didn't really know what to say - everyone was chatting and he was talking with everyone individually or in groups of two etc... I wanted to make a personal connection (because I really resonated with his attitude) but felt my efforts would be lost in the background noise.

So I was sticky - just expressed my genuine thanks, mentioned something about a shared hobby and then left. This way, if we meet again, I can be sticky again etc...I haven't lost value, I've just been visible. In a situation like that, after a talk, when he's swamped with people, I can only see three ways to be anything more than sticky without coming across as low value:

- Ask an insightful question or demonstrate/uncover some sort of personal connection in the talk itself (or immediately afterwards).
- Be introduced by a high-value person.
- Offer some sort of immediate value. (this is risky without first establishing a solid respect plarform)

I love getting to know awesome people, and Sebastian seemed really awesome. As it was, I heard an inspiring talk and got a bit sticky. Lol, not bad for a Sunday evening!


Anyway, a couple of points that really hit home with me:

1) Sebastian likened pickup to sports. A good football team playing a bad team will play good, solid game and just win by being better. No need for risky strategies or flashy moves - just play solid game and outclass the competition.

However, a bad team playing against a good team will pull out all the risky maneouvers. They've got nothing to lose anyway - so they'll try solo runs, crazy tricks and stuff that MIGHT work, because they may as well.

Similarly with game, a lot of high-energy, crazy-bunny-rabbit game is great for beginners. They have nothing to lose...they may as well run up to a girl and tell her she's fucking gorgeous and they want to fuck her in the bathroom. What the hell, it'll work some of the time, which is way better than the none-of-the-time they were getting before.

But, as you get better, and you know that your game is tight, there is no need for this kind of behaviour. Why introduce a crazy element that runs the risk of blowing the girl out? Sure, X-tactic may well create a big attraction spike...but it may also blow you out...if your game is good, and you want the girl, you know that you can just play it solidly and get her. Why fuck around?

Obviously, this is advanced stuff - when you're learning, it's best to try everything to properly set your social calibration, understand what is possible etc...push the boat out. But the danger is that you become reliant on these flash-game pieces. Your game grows around these fancy set pieces, and it can stunt your growth long term. You end up being so heavily-specialised that other areas of your game lie underdeveloped.

It is like a guitar teacher who does one thing very well (ie, can play Smoke on the Water really great) but who doesn't know the first thing about anything else to do with music. Sure, he sounds great at parties when he plays his one song...but he doesn't really know what it takes to become a great guitarist (or even a competent one!). So, he puts a big ad' in the paper: 'Learn Smoke on the Water in A Day!!' and many students sign up. However, because he has lack of depth and 'big picture' perspective, his teaching methods harm his students. Sure, by the end of the day everyone can play Smoke on the Water, but they have picked up a hundred-and-one awful habits that will take weeks of mature instruction to undo.

Nobody is perfect, we all have blindspots and weakspots. The way to do it is to be very open an honest about what you can and can't do. That way, students have a sense of perspective about your role as teacher - they know that you are the not the one and only 'go to' guy about whatever skill you are teaching. You have one, two, three or four facets down great...but you haven't got it all. Nobody does. But we can aim for a good, rounded game. That was an interesting life perspective that Drake brought, and something I've heard Mystery talk about: aim for good, solid game.

This is a great insight because we have so many different and excellent styles of game being shown to us...i took this as a reminder to seek after developing the kind of game that is right for me. Keychain-game. This is something ALL the instructors tirelessly encourage, but it's sometimes easy for a newbie like me to forget it.

2) Another great perspective that hit home for me was: gradual change is sustained change. He specifically said that the way to see sustained health and fitness improvements is NOT to snap change, but to gradually change. Introduce good habits and exclude bad ones gradually.

I had begun something similar before Rockstar. Working on the principle that it takes 30-days to build a habit (thanks Eben Pagan!) I put together a proper stretching/yoga routine that took about a half hour to do. After thirty days, I started introducing some push-ups and situps etc...the idea was to build a healthy lifestyle that I could sustain, adding new elements piece by piece.

Some of the Rockstars went from normal foods straight onto an exclusive regime of shakes, pills, powders and snackbars. I admire their dedication! I knew this wouldn't be a sustainable lifestyle for me, so I didn't do it (although I was a bit worried I met get kicked off the programme!). Instead, I just bought green drinks (powdered vegetables which are awesome!) and some protein shakes to drink after working out. London Hunk's advice on these was spot on! No other supplements tho.

I know I keep harping on about this in my posts, but my fitness goals are not to gain a set amount of weight a week etc...rather, I aim to add/improve my health regime on a continuing, sustainable basis. I'm a healthy guy, I'm not in any immediate health danger that would require me to snap-change my diet. I'm in no rush to look like Brad Pitt or Vin Diesel. I may well get there eventually, but I'm not interested in cramming it all into 8 weeks...I'll just get better and better and better until I'm where I want to be. I don't understand, why the big rush? I know this approach isn't flashy, but (as Drake might say) I feel it's good, solid 'life game'.

It is a fair point that some people prefer to work on the complete, snap-change principal. All power to them. I just know (from having learned other skills to a high level) that I don't work that way on a long-term basis.

So yeh, amaaaazing insights from Sebastian. Really put my mind at ease. Thanks man.

Other interesting factoids...he mentioned he participated in a sport that I used to compete at national level for (was on UK team etc...). He also recommended a great book on business networking called 'Never Eat Alone' by Keith Ferrazzi. I actually quoted quite a bit from that book in my recent dissertation! One of my faves! Lol, funny coincidences. As you can see, there were a number of these little connections that really gave the talk extra punch and relevance to me. Awesome!

Until next time guys :)



Sunday, 3 August 2008

Day 28b - Keychain

Hey guys! So I didn't end up going to the houseparty...let's just say it turned out I had a much better option at home. You know those times where sex just last hours and hours and it's a GOOD thing. I think the trick is to start early in the evening...so when things reach a fever pitch it's not too late. If I start too late sometimes I get tired/bored/schedule-conscious and just wanna call it a day, lol ;) Anyway, enough about all this business.

So yeh, I'm off for a shower and then Tesco. Our theory session tonight is with Sebastian Drake...really excited :)


Rockstar is awesome - so jealous of Starlight rockin it up in Stockholm, what an awesome time!!! Great FR's from the other guys too - I might text Blackswan and see if he'll wear his fetish-club outfit to Sebastian's talk tonight...haha!



Saturday, 2 August 2008

Day 28 - Keychain

Hey guys, meeting up with my ltr in about forty mins so thought I'd post super quick for y'all :)

Yen and Mr.M invited the Rockstars to a fetish party at Torture Garden...so fucking tempted to go! But the only thing I have that is even vaguely fetish is some wee socks with skulls on em...so maybe not, lol ;)

Today has been nice and super chilled...no daygame with Sasha coz he's doing a bootcamp, and loads of the regular gang are away in Stockholm. So it's break time at Rockstar Central.


We're at the halfway point now and all I can say is...wow. Can't wait (or imagine!) what the next four weeks are going to hold for everyone...

Until then,


Day 27 - Keychain

Hey guys. Today we bopped down to London Hunk's place to hear a finance talk from Blower (which was mainly focused on how people are thinking about investing in the property market in the current economic climate). Then London Hunk chipped in some thoughts about business, and then went on to discuss some inner game issues.

Blower's advice was really interesting. Property investing is totally outside my RAS but it was interesting to hear a very successful guy talking about his thoughts and attitudes towards money. I'm sure some of the other guys will cover the theory way better than me, they're way more switched on to this stuff and all the technical terms.

Mr.M asked Blower to describe some of the shared traits and characteristics of the highly financially successful people that Blower has met. To be honest, the list was pretty repulsive...to my ears, it sounded very selfish and unfulfilling. I don't mean to judge, of course, but the discussion really didn't resonate with me at all.

As a freelancer, I have thought a lot about finance and money and I have very specific goals in this area. They range from the basic/immediate (covering rent, affording good food, saving a good amount etc...and generally living my ideal lifestyle) to the more long term (one of my main long term goals is to have enough money to take care of my parents in their retirement and give them a comfortable life with travel opportunities). These things motivate me. I am a simple man financially, I don't crave gadgets and DVD's and expensive clothes. I like to live simply and healthily.

I was struck by how different some peoples' goals are. Some people live for the thrill and challenge of investing in property, risking money and winning big. To me, this sounds like hell. Lol, it's so funny how different we all are. Anyway, as I say, I am not judging...I just want different things. In five years, I'll probably be reading this and laughing, because my RAS may well have shifted more towards these things.

I was interested in what reasons these financial heavyweights give for their pursuit of money - I was interested in what their thoughts are on why they do what they do. I was hoping that by understanding their motivations, I'd be able to relate better...but things got a bit defensive so I shut up! Lol, I must have come across a little (unintentionally) judgemental.

London_Hunk's talk was great as always. I've said it lots before, but I really dig his energy and passion. He talked about 'unspoken rules' and basic mindsets of business (ie, do your market research VERY thoroughly or you'll DIE!!!...even if your business is successful by chance, London_Hunk will still come round and make you do 20 SQUAT-THRUSTS!!!). He then went on to reinforce his previous thoughts about the mindset of a natural - as always, this was really insightful and interesting. His sheer passion and congruence are really great to be around.

Anyway, after all that business we went out with Dr.Yen, Mr.M, Prizefighter and Optimistic. Good times were had by all. I was there for just under an hour, but opened a couple of sets (they last way longer nowadays, gone are the days of getting blown out of every set in under two minutes), number closed (thanks to some REALLY amazing jump-on-the-grenade style winging from Optimistic! Lol, after we came out of the set, he was white as a sheet and just said 'She was... a... REALLY horribly person!' hahaha, she was truly an awful human being! Lol, but he winged like a motherfucker and gave me the chance to isolate my girl and number close etc...Such a tough set at the beginning but I ploughed through and, with Optimistic's help, they cracked open beautifully. Seriously props to such excellent winging, legend!).


Chatted to a nice girl on the train home, very interesting character. She was a lot older than me though, and not really my type so didn't ask for the number. My number closing on trains is very consistent, so I didn't feel the need to get it just for the practice. Fun converstation though, which is always worth having and something I'm always up for practicing.

Anyway, I'm gonna leave it at that guys. I hope you've got lots and lots of sarging and day2's planned this weekend :) Have fun!!! Once again...any feedback is greatly appreciated. I want to make this helpful and interesting for you, so please do let me know if there's something you'd rather I focused more/less on. Wicked!

All the best,
