Monday, 18 August 2008

Days 41/42

Hey guys! Keys here, just flying in with a double-day update. Things are quiet on the Rockstar front...


I had work commitments on Saturday so was unable to attend Lord Mega's last-minute talk (darn it!). And today (Sunday) we appear to have been given a day off...nice :)

I tell you what, I'm pretty exhausted! Tomorrow (Monday) is our official day off, so I'll be hitting the gym, attending a couple of work appointments and then hopefully chilling. Rockstar is TIRING! Lol, sometimes Keys needs some recharge time so this weekend of downtime has come at a very nice moment. Obviously I'm still working etc...and technically, I'm still doing approaches everyday but these feel very natural and normal now, not at all like work.

Personally, I've undergone some major life changes and had a number of deep beliefs reset. As Rockstar comes to an end (well, we've got two more weeks but you know what I mean!) I'm feeling pretty excited about what's going to happen next. The skills we've learned and the friends we've made are already changing my life dramatically.

I wonder how Project Rockstar will affect the life-trajectories of each of its six members...

