Saturday, 19 July 2008

Day 12 - Keychain

Hey guys, London Hunk's session today. We started with an hour of theory with London Hunk covering opening, attraction, qualification, comfort and seduction. We've been having so much specialist instruction that it was really nice to have a birds-eye-view refresher on the attraction process. He went on to discuss giving value (in set and in daily life) and I must say I was inspired. London Hunk's passion for giving massive value and helping others was infectious. The guy is buzzing with energy and enthusiasm - energising to be around! I really want to be the kind of guy who has such abundant value that I can give it away and change peoples' lives.

Anyway, we went to On Anon and the Rockstars started going into set. London Hunk emphasised the need to practice, practice and practice some more - open every suitable set, close every girl so that it becomes automatic like a reflex. This was very sound advice and all the Rockstars embraced it - I barely had a chance to hang out with the guys because everyone was constantly in set! :-)

Tried some new things today, including dancefloor game. Sallied forth onto the dancefloor with Starlight and promptly lost him as we started dancing with various girls. I tried a BradP thing I heard about where you go into a group of girls with high energy, dance with them all, spin them etc...Be the centre of attention and bring lots of fun to the group. Did this and ended up dancing with a girl for a while, isolated her, taught some Salsa (thanks V!), went back to the group, isolated her again, comfort...went for the kiss but no! Oh well, more comfort, fun fun...went to a different kiss! Lol, luckily London Hulk had covered this in his talk so I...built more comfort. Fun fun, chat chat...went for the kiss and...BINGO! Lol, we chilled for a while until her sister came and and number closed us, 'We're leaving in ten minutes, you guys should totally exchange numbers...' Lol, we swapped them and am day2-ing with her tomorrow before Sasha's session.

Which reminds me, Sasha was there at On Anon as well - hanging out with him is always a blast, I just constantly laugh my ass off at his antics! Sasha, can I post your chloroform opener? Actual comedy gold!

Quite a few guys in game there - everyone was really friendly, it was nice. Met up with Virgo again (spotted him rocking it in set), we didn't get round to winging but we definately must soon! Met some other guys too, all fun to hang out with.

Hmm...I don't think there's much more to report. Sticking to my 'open at least one girl per train journey' rule - so good for improving general talkativeness and just being social. Have booked in for a day2 with the first train set from the other day. Project Rockstar schedule makes for some 'different' day2 arrangements, we have to be creative to fit them in! But it's all fun, a quality problem!

Things I'm bearing in mind are a more mapped approach to interactions - I want to be consciously moving through the phases with more clarity. Still consciously ramping the kinokinokino! Making sure I'm in a good mood, smiling and having fun no matter what. Apart from that, I'm just enjoying having so much opportunity for practice with such great guys (instructors and Rockstars alike).

Right, I'm off to bed now! Cya next time!
