Day2 - Keychain
Today was Day2 of Project Rockstar. We travelled from across London to the office of London Hulk, the man in charge of our physical fitness and diet, as well as our Friday night instructor.
In two hours we had a very detailed lecture on the exercise, diet and lifestyle choices we would be making to meet each of our fitness goals. In a few days time, we will have personalised programmes to see us through the eight weeks. There were no bones made about the effort and hard work it would take - we have to enter everything we eat and drink into a food diary, with measurements so that London Hulk can monitor our progress and adjust our regimes. This guy knows his stuff.
Top three London Hulk quotes:
- 'Yes, the first time you work out with me you will probably throw up.'
- PALADIN: 'Why doesn't Keychain have a sixpack if he's only got 8% body fat?'
KEYCHAIN: 'I'm just keeping it secret because I don't want to scare you all.'
LONDON HULK: 'No, it's because he has no muscles.'
KEYCHAIN:'Yes, and that.' - TO PALADIN: 'Put your clothes back on for God's sake.'
Really looking forward to our first Friday session with London Hulk, we had a great chat on the first meet-and-greet and I think his natural style of game is going to be super useful to learn...Roll on Project Rockstar!
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