Monday, 14 July 2008

Day 8 - Keychain

Hey guys, another crazy day at Project Rockstar...

Had a nice day2 with the girl I picked up in my Day5 post - we wandered around Leicester Square, did a repeat performance of the photo routine (more kissing etc...). Nice, we'll see each other again - she's fun, I'll let this one tick on and let things progress gently. Don't feel the need to rush this one.

Anyway, do you remember the girl who had the panic attack after the photo-booth-handjob incident? Well...I texted her this morning to see if she was okay and she texted back very apologetic, wants to meet up again etc... So (amazingly) that one is actually gonna be okay! I figured I'd lost that one for sure. I'd imagine panic attacks are usually somewhat of a state breaker. Still, she's on. She's in Paris for a day or two but should full-close by the end of the week, depending on schedules.

We had a daygame session with Soul - Sasha and Vercetti were there also. Soul gave some great theory and then we split off with various instructors to do some sets. I went with Sasha and about power winging! Sasha was kind enough to demo a set for us, with Starlight winging (and me sneaking off to find a quick snack). I opened two Italian sisters, with Starlight winging - solid number close, loads of pics and just fun times. The interaction was pretty much based on me stealing and wearing her ridiculously large of the things Sasha taught me is to really explore one prop/thread for all the different possibilities. As always, Starlight is a killer wing.

We went to do some coffee shop game but there was a lack of sets...we were summoned to Mr.M's for theory. On to the tube and Sasha starts teaching us tube game - he opened a girl and had her laughing her head off and showing the most hilariously intense attraction I've ever seen. This guy is a real master at this, the interaction is so fun for everyone (including onlookers) and the attraction he can build is jaw dropping. Can't say enough about this guy, just book a one-on-one with him immediately!

On the journey, I opened a girl...lots of fun and attraction (she was the manager of a burlseque lingerie store). Ran ipod game, so close to a number close...she was scrambling around her bag for her phone etc...I punched in my number and jumped off the tube. But she hasn't called/texted me yet...we'll see. Didn't get any chance to build much comfort - pretty much flash game with lots of attraction. Flake? Most probably!

The theory session was unreal - fashion consultation with Dr.Yen, voice projection and alexander technique with Vercetti and SCM Part2 with Mr.M...five hours later I emerged from the house, blinking into the fading daylight and nursing a serious case of information overload. I don't want to go into the theory stuff...there's just too much. But all three guys brought so much to the table - Dr.Yen's full of great stuff, Vercetti's depth and passion is inspiring, Mr.M's sheer knowledge, enthusiasm and social mastery is actually frightening!!

At the end of week 1, I truly feel honoured and humbled to be a part of this programme. The instructors are all wonderful, unique and the end of this programme I dearly hope to count some of them as my friends. The lessons I'm learning are off the chart - my reality is being expanded on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis. The Rockstars are five of the coolest, most self-motivated and driven people I've ever met - their passion to improve their lives and the lives of those around them is incredibly inspiring.

Yes, it's hard work and long hours. Yes, I've had to make serious sacrifices to be here. Yes, I have to share a 40 minute train journey with Paladin on an almost daily basis (only kidding, I love it!)...but I wouldn't take any of it back for a second. No way.

Wow, it's late and I need to get some rest...see ya tomorrow!
